After the war, Franz Hoffmann has revived the contacts with the rubber industry, and thus secured a strategically important market for the future. Manfred Hoffmann, the son of Franz, successfully finishes his chemistry studies, and joins the enterprise. The cooperation between father and son turns out excellent. Like previously his own father, Franz Hoffmann gives a free hand to his son who, therefore, can dedicate himself totally to the company. Already prior to 1950, a particular care product line is created: the trade mark SONAX is born, today the market leader for automobile care. Manfred Hoffmann also pushes further developments in production control and quality assurance, important investments go into novel processing and drying technologies, the company grows continually. In the mid-50s, only two Neuburg Siliceous Earth manufacturers have survived out of the previously numerous companies, and they fight a hard competition for customers: Globus-Werke, who some years earlier have taken over Kieselweiss GmbH, and Franz Hoffmann & Söhne, who in 1954 acquire Bayrische Kreidewerke.